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Alimorovat Amiri



The Investigation of natural Resources Degradation Effectors of Kabudrahang County with Respect To The Accomplishment of Laws And Regulations.


Range management is key element. Because Range life is dependent on management approach that governed the Range. In this thesis we studied all national resources laws in 139 village, Range auditory documents in 106 site convention organizer  the subject of 56th item of  forest and Range protection and utilization  law about conflicting fields documents, the documents about deviation from 44th item and 44 bis of forest and Range  protection and utilization  law, analyzing and comparison the credit  of three protection projects  in a 4 years period and at least studying and controlling the Range  management plans at the kabudrahang Country ( one of the hameddan state town), four managerial period are determined.

It includes the period before Range  nationalization , the period between Range  nationalization and Range  survey time, the period between Range survey  and  total Range  plan development, at least the period after total Range  plan development.

In a period before Range  nationalization , in this county the ranges were governed by local feudal. Based on a historical documents( some part of Range  were gifted by feudal like “amir nezam” ) and the village old-timers views, who remember the period before Range  nationalization, the Range  were governed by feudal and because of their sensitivity  about the way of using Range  and the regulation which governed the animals entrance and exit, every year a part of Range  was managed by guard. But analyzing the Range survey documents shows that after Range  nationalizing and elimination of private owe ness , for a long time a managerial gap and also governmental gap was happen in Range, even in some organizers it was more than 40 years,  that period  was called the period of Range managerial gap.

At the 3rd period due to governmental weakness that it could not develop and operate Range  plans in every organizer by using the 1st ? of 3rd item provision of Range protection and utilization  law, and the next revision at( 1965 cena  parlliment) issuance grazing license.

Researches about grazing license shows  government never have had suitable supervision on Range  by the grazing license. It is hardly ever seen that an grazing license was extended. However the natural resources organizations haven’t cached the suitable Range management stage in some known organizers. But by analyzing different documents about transgressions dossier In kabudrahang Range in a six years period, shows that 77 documents were opened  about deviation. By analyzing dispersal location and time deviation, clarified that in every year just 6  percent of known organizers supervised. In this managerial period 16.78 percent of county Range were deteriorated and their utility were changed. rate The animal number existent to  animal allowable was increased  5 square.  and stocking rate in Range was 3.3 animal unit per hectare, and for allowed animal was 0.652 animal per hectare.  All of this things shows the pressure on Range in this county. By developing Range plan for this county the management approach renewal was expected. In this thesis by studying and analyzing 89 known organizer till 2004 this analysis shows that developed plans because of a lots of social and economical problems and also managerial approach which governed Range and the other hand due to high pressure on Range this plan has not influenced well.

This study shows  that by 37 percent decreasing of existed animal in contrast with auditory period, but in the other hand Range capacity decreased 31 percent in contrast with auditory period, and the 14 percent of this decrease was because of county Range quality lost. Because decreased stocking rate in range from 0.652 animal unit per hectare in supervision period to 0.56 animal unit per hectare. Results shows 82 percent of Range which had developed plan were in poor or very poor condition. And more than 85 percent of Range had decreasing trend.

According to the Range plan approximately 40 billion Rial is needed to county Range renewal during 8 years. It means every year 5 billion Rial is needed. But in 2006 it was just 293 million rial( it is just 6 percent of  Requirement). In this thesis monetary management was analaysed and by using four years loan statistics in 3 project , protection, range and forest, it was determined that 72 percent of loan was allocated to maintaining and developing marginal foresting ways, 17 percent to range protection projects and at the end 11 percent to protection project. And this is exactly against legislature  organizational objectives based on forest nationalizing law item 2. it was known as the first  organization function

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