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Identification of the most effective muscles in landing impact forces
Amini Najafabadi R, Poorbesharati A, Isfahani T. Effect of Carbon Addition on the Corrosion Properties of FeCoCrMnNi High Entropy Alloy. International Journal of Iron & Steel Society of Iran. 2024;20(2):27-32
Parametric analysis of landing injury: The effect of landing posture and joint displacement
A Simple Model for Estimating the Effect of Joint Stiffness on Impact Ground Reaction Forces During Landing
Saliva NIR spectroscopy and Aquaphotomics: a novel diagnostic approach to Paratuberculosis in dairy cattle
Estimation of genetic and non-genetic effects on productive life of Iranian Holstein dairy cows
Amending clayey and sandy soils with nano - bio phosphorous for regulating tomato growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics
Effects of Biochar and Municipal Solid Waste Compost on Soil Physical Quality and Productivity Index Under Sorghum Cultivation Irrigated with Saline Water
Comparison of Some Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Farsi Gum and Other Rosaceae Plant Gum Exudates
Effect of Structural Parameters of Porous yarns and Fabric on Air Permeability and Moisture Transfer of Double Face Woven Fabrics
Effect of Structural Parameters of Porous yarns and Fabric on Air Permeability and Moisture Transfer of Double Face Woven Fabrics
Properties of adsorption of vitamin B12 on nanoclay as a versatile carrier
Surface modification of alumina with biosafe molecules Nanostructure thermal and mechanical properties of PVA nanocomposites
Phytoremediation effect and growth responses of Cynodon spp. and Agropyron desertorum in a Petroleum-Contaminated Soil
Phytoremediation effect and growth responses of Cynodon spp. and Agropyron desertorum in a Petroleum-Contaminated Soil